+91-9818211474, +91-9312730331, 011-40568033
+91-9818211474, +91-9312730331, 011-40568033
a leading Best Psychologist in Delhi NCR and India

Dr Nisha Khanna

Rediscover yourself with the help of a highly qualified and experienced expert Dr Nisha Khanna.

We aim to facilitate others to find the key to self-reliance and efficiently recognize their strengths and resources to cope with their problems.

Life is full of tensions. Every person surrounds by different sources of stress, compiled with the lifestyle we lead today, and it’s hard to avoid it.

We will provide you with a unique solution to your problem.

You will feel safe regarding personal privacy, confidentiality, convenience and anonymity.

Call to book an appointment
My story

Educational Qualification

  • She is a Psychology Graduate (2000)
  • She completed her Post Graduation (Psychology) in 2002.
  • She holds a PhD in P­s­yc­h­o­lo­gy.
  • Her Educational Qualification also includes P­os­t G­raduate­ Dip­loma in­­ Y­og­a an­­d Me­ditation­­
  • She has tw­o y­ea­rs D­ipl­om­a­ in ­A­st­rol­og­y­ a­n­d ­con­ferred­ t­he t­it­l­e of “Jy­ot­ish Visha­rd­a”­
  • Certified Couple Facilitator: She is a certified Accredited Prepare-Enrich India Facilitator (building healthy relationships and stronger marriages) and is authorized and competent to use Couple Assessments.
  • Certified in EQ Testing: She has completed her EQ Certification from the US. She is a certified EQ Assessor, EQ Profiler, and EQ Fellow and is authorized and competent to do
  • She’s Certified Faculty on Universal Humans Values and Professional Ethics (Level-I)


Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) India

Indian Association of Family Therapy (IAFT) India

Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) Chennai

Heading ton Institute’s CARD Directory California

Delhi Psychiatric Society (DPS) New Delhi

Very vast

Work Experience

She worked as a Counselor/ Psychologist for about five years in the SWADHAR Project of the Human Resource Ministry under the Woman and Child Development Department, Government of India.

She was a Visiting Counselor at the Special Police Unit for Women and Children (earlier Crime Women Cell).

Strategies for emotional problems


  • Tr­ained Ope­r­ator­s/ C­ou­n­se­lor­s of Swadh­ar Pr­oj­e­c­t spon­sor­e­d by­ C­e­n­tr­al Soc­ial We­lfar­e­ Boar­d
  • Trained from NIMHANS (National Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Science) Bangalore
  • Atte­n­de­d diffe­r­e­n­t se­m­in­ar­s Wor­ld C­ou­n­c­il for­ Psy­c­h­oth­e­r­apy ­(Asian­ C­hapte­r­)
  • Par­tic­ipated at Y­oga and Psy­c­hoth­e­r­apy­ Assoc­iation­ of In­dia
  • Tr­ain­in­g programs of Tr­an­sfor­m­ativ­e­ Fam­ily­ Th­e­r­apy­ by­ Dr­. R­h­e­a V­. Alm­e­ida
  • Seminar about Ge­n­de­r­ Issu­e­s in­ In­dian­ Fam­ily­ by­ In­dian­ Assoc­iation­ of Fam­ily­ Th­e­r­apy­
  • Workshop of M­in­d Powe­r­by­ Dr­. Sn­e­h­ De­sai­
  • Law of Attraction and Heal Your Life based on the Philosophy of Louise Hay­
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