+91-9818211474, +91-9312730331, 01146011474
+91-9818211474, +91-9312730331, 01146011474

Refund Policy

Thanks for shopping at Bye Tense


Once you have paid and cancelled the appointment before the appointment book, we will deduct 30% + 18% GST + payment gateway charges and the rest you will receive back.


Once you have paid and cancelled the appointment before the appointment book, no refund. Once you have done the consultation, there is no refund after the consultation session.


You will get a consultation as per your requirement, online or Telephonically or Offline or at our premises as per your requirement.

Non-Refundable/Non-Returnable Products /Services of Dr Khanna: Certain Products / Services are non-returnable and Non-Refundable: EQ Tests, Compatibility Tests cannot be claimed under this refund/return policy once issued to the client.

Contact Us

You can contact us on Mon-Fri (12:00 noon – 05:00 PM)

Email Id: [email protected]

Contact Number:  +91-98182-11474  
